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Brought to fans, investors, entrepreneurs, executives, teachers, professors, and students by columnist, economist, novelist, reviewer, podcaster, business reporter and speaker Ray Keating

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Disney Food Review: Fatburger for Lower Cost Dinner Near Disney World

 by Beth Keating


July 25, 2024

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We all know how pricey a dinner at Disney can be, especially if you’re toting a passel of young Jedi along with you (who may, or may not, eat the entrée anyway).  While there are all sorts of “cheats” to try to lower those costs, some folks choose to eat offsite before or after they hit up the parks to keep costs in check.  If you are staying offsite, renting a local Air BnB, and/or have access to a car, there are loads of options within a stone’s throw of Disney that can satisfy for a less expensive meal.

One of the newest additions to the neighborhood is California-based Fatburger, and if you are looking for a quick dinner offsite, but still want something you can’t get at home, you might want to pay the nearby Fatburger a visit...

Read the entire article here – at DisneyBizJournal.substack.com.

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