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Brought to fans, investors, entrepreneurs, executives, teachers, professors, and students by columnist, economist, novelist, reviewer, podcaster, business reporter and speaker Ray Keating

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Disney Biz Journal’s Ray Keating Publishes His Second Alliance of Saint Michael Novel - “Subversion” Follows on the Well-Received “Cathedral”



June 19, 2024


Did you know that Disney Biz Journal’s Ray Keating also is a novelist? His latest book – Subversion: An Alliance of Saint Michael Novel – is a nail-biting work of historical fiction. This book follows on Cathedral: An Alliance of Saint Michael Novel.


Ray Keating talks about his new book – 
Subversion: An Alliance of Saint Michael Novel

What’s happening in Keating’s book? With the Nazis on the rise in Germany, the Alliance of Saint Michael is called into action to aid a Jewish businessman and art collector in Berlin, while also countering pro-Nazi rumblings in America. The Alliance of Saint Michael brings together Catholic, Lutheran, Anglican and Orthodox men and women with varied backgrounds and assorted talents to work against the two most significant threats to Christianity and civilization at the dawn of the 1930s - communism and fascism.


In Subversion, a priest is murdered on Long Island. Meanwhile, in Germany, a Jewish businessman and his wife are targeted for violence by members of the Nazi Party. What do these two events possibly have in common? Members of the Alliance of Saint Michael find themselves at the center of each situation, as they work to aid those in danger while countering Nazi lies within the Church.


Subversion is a work of historical fiction that hits hard on matters like antisemitism and politics corrupting the Church, while also being filled with characters that readers can care about and respect, thrilling action, love and friendship, and reflections on faith and helping others.


Keating, who also has penned 19 Pastor Stephen Grant thrillers and mysteries (with more coming), said, “As I get deeper into the Alliance of Saint Michael series, I not only get to write some exciting historical fiction, but also explore how various individuals think and react with evil on the rise in what’s supposed to be a ‘civilized’ place. And yes, these are questions that have long plagued and continue to challenge humanity.”


Paperbacks and the Kindle editions of Subversion and Cathedral are available at Amazon.com, and signed books at www.RayKeatingBooksandMore.com.


Ray Keating is the editor, publisher and economist for DisneyBizJournal.com; and author of the Pastor Stephen Grant thrillers and mysteries, the Alliance of Saint Michael novels, and assorted nonfiction books. Have Ray Keating speak your group, business, school, church, or organization. Email him at raykeating@keatingreports.com.

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