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Brought to fans, investors, entrepreneurs, executives, teachers, professors, and students by columnist, economist, novelist, reviewer, podcaster, business reporter and speaker Ray Keating

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Celebrating July Fourth with Walt Disney

 by Ray Keating



July 4, 2024


Walt Disney was a patriotic guy, and he served up lots of quotes reflecting his love for America. But there was a depth to Disney’s patriotism that captured what’s been best about the United States. 

The following five quotes that I selected came from two wonderful books of quotes from Walt Disney on all kinds of matters – i.e., Walt's Words: Quotations of Walt Disney with Sources by Jim Korkis, and The Official Walt Disney Quote Book from the staff of the Walt Disney Archives. Hopefully, these capture the depth of Walt’s love for and understanding of America, as we celebrate the nation’s July Fourth birthday.


Walt understood that parts of the foundation upon which America is built are freedom and optimism about the future. Walt was speaking to his own time and to ours:


“Once a man has tasted freedom he will never be content to be a slave. That is why I believe that this frightfulness we see everywhere today is only temporary. Tomorrow will be better for as long as America keeps alive the ideals of freedom and a better life.” (Korkis)


There’s a reason why people want to come to America, and that has been the case throughout our history to this very day. Even with all of our shortcomings and failures, America is, as Walt says in this next quote, about tolerance, democracy and freedom – and under freedom, it’s clear that people see opportunity, i.e., the freedom to make a better life:


“All men will want to be free and share our way of life. There must be so much that I should have said and haven’t. What I will say now is just what most of us are probably thinking every day. I thank God and America for the right to live and raise my family under the flag of tolerance, democracy, and freedom.” (Korkis)


Unlike many today, Walt understood that there is a price for freedom. Freedom, as they say, isn’t free. And having gratitude for those who have secured our freedoms is very American, as is helping others in their struggle for freedom:


“The liberties which we enjoy and take for granted didn’t just happen. They had to be won. Even today, there are parts of the world where the fight for freedom is still going on.” (Korkis)


Walt loved Abraham Lincoln, as should all Americans. Disney understood that the principles of the American Revolution weren’t fully realized until we fought a bloody Civil War, with Lincoln, flaws and all (as we all have), leading the way:


“Most Americans will agree with me that no man has had more of a positive impact on a nation than Abraham Lincoln has on our country. Yet I have always felt that too few people realize that Lincoln’s concepts and philosophies are as useful, as necessary, as applicable today as they were when he pronounced them a century ago. His analysis of freedom and its true meaning, his approach to justice and equality, his own courage and strength – all areas vital in the 1960s as they were during the mid-1800s.” (Korkis)


It's striking how often Americans need to be reminded that freedom of speech and the free exchange of ideas are parts of what makes America great. To those who lack faith in their own ideas and beliefs to the point that they wish to take away the freedoms of others, well, Walt Disney wisely would disagree:


“Our heritage and ideals, our code and standards, the things we live by and teach our children are preserved or diminished by how freely we exchange ideas and feelings.” (Archives)


Thanks Walt, and God bless, America!




Ray Keating is the editor, publisher and economist for DisneyBizJournal.com; and author of the Pastor Stephen Grant thrillers and mysteries, the Alliance of Saint Michael novels, and assorted nonfiction books. Have Ray Keating speak your group, business, school, church, or organization. Email him at raykeating@keatingreports.com.


The views expressed here are his own – after all, no one else should be held responsible for this stuff, right?


The Disney Planner: The TO DO List Solution combines a simple, powerful system for getting things done with encouragement and fun for Disney fans, including those who love Mickey, Marvel, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Pixar, princesses and more.


Never miss any new book by Ray Keating by joining the Pastor Stephen Grant Fellowship with Ray Keating at



Various books by Ray Keating…


• The Pastor Stephen Grant thrillers and mysteries. There are 19 books in the series now.


• The Alliance of Saint Michael novels – Cathedral and Subversion – are at Amazon


• Order The Weekly Economist III: Another 52 Quick Reads to Help You Think Like an EconomistThe Weekly Economist II: 52 More Quick Reads to Help You Think Like an Economist, and The Weekly Economist: 52 Quick Reads to Help You Think Like an Economist at Amazon.com.


• Signed editions of Ray’s books are at www.raykeatingbooksandmore.com


Also, check out Ray’s podcasts – the Daily Dose of DisneyFree Enterprise in Three Minutes, and the PRESS CLUB C Podcast.

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